Average Washroom Water Usage 
  Toilets  Urinals   Individuals    Job:  
Men      Contact:  
Male Flushes Toilets                
        Water per Toilet Water Useage - Individuals      
Day Average Amount of Flushes   Total Flushes Gallons per flush Total Gal each  per year Total Group usage Total Gal per month      
Male Flushes Urinals                  
Day Average Amount of Flushes   Total Flushes Gallons per flush Total Gal per year Total Group usage Total Gal per month      
Women Flushes Toilets
Day Average Amount of Flushes   Total Flushes Gallons per flush Total Gal  per year Total Group usage Total Gal per month      
Total gallonage usage for toilets and urinals per month      
Low Volume Toilets
Day Average Amount of Flushes   Total Flushes Gallons per flush Total Gal  per year Total Group usage Total Gal per month      
Rainwater Supply 
Collection area in Sq.Ft              
Average rainfall per year inches   Tank Size       
Conversion 0.623                
safety factor                
Total gallonage per year        
Total gallonage per month